The Redoubt Bar & Eatery i Te Awamutu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Redoubt Bar & Eatery



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423 Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu 3800, Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 7-871 4768
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Latitude: -38.0088724, Longitude: 175.3213062

kommentar 5

  • Ridge Spence

    Ridge Spence


    Very tasty new menu and delicious flavours in the pizzas and breakfast/dinner menus good drinks too! Lovely staff and managers. 🤗

  • wes cooper

    wes cooper


    Unfortunately it has lost its local feel. Still good service and booze but the food has gone downhill

  • en

    Kelli Jones


    To start fly in my drink, ordered scallops for entree and got 3 scallops and they were charging 21 dollars, chicken was dry. When told Indian manager he took $50 off bill. Told him I begrudge paying 21 dollars for 3 scallops. He tried to tell me they expensive. Not going back herr

  • en

    Mark Stead


    A shining Jewel crowning the main street of Te Awamutu, shining like a light beckoning you to be there. Open late in the evening. . The place to be. Top quality drinks and great meals. And if you do your research it's the best business awarded in Te Awamutu 2017. Come here and expect the best. You won't be disappointed. This is the place to be.

  • prachi more

    prachi more


    The food was absolutely wonderful, from preparation to presentation, very pleasing. We especially enjoyed the special bar drinks,The bar area were nice and open, good place to relax and meet friends.

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