The Sea Kayak Company i Motueka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Sea Kayak Company



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506, High Street, 7120, Motueka, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 508 252 925
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.13285, Longitude: 173.009799

kommentar 5

  • Patrik Majchrák

    Patrik Majchrák


    Třídění trip za celkem slušný peníze. Odvoz, školení, výbava, sprchy

  • en

    Gary McMorland


    We did the full day tour, was a fantastic tour in a stunning place. Highly recommended.

  • Simon



    The kayaking was incredible, and we saw loads of seals. Hot showers were good and free wifi was a bonus. A bit overpriced in my opinion.

  • Paul Flint

    Paul Flint


    3day 2 night trip up the Abel Tasman cost . What a trip! Exceeded expectations. Paul and his crew did a fantastic job from start to finish. The kit was all current and in very good condition. Our guide Aarran was knowable, fun and professional. The cost line is also stunning.

  • en

    Tho Mas


    Poor equipment. The neoprene thingies were not water proof, neither were the "water proof" boxes in the kayaks. Poor managment and unfriendly staff. They first told us 'be back at 3:30 pm', the brochure said 3:45 pm and the instructor lady finally agreed to 4 pm. So we returned sharply at 4 pm and waited for them 10mins. One of their staff members finally arrived and got totally furious about us being too late. He gathered the kayak and left us sitting with our baggage at lower tight. So we needed to walk about a kilometer to the car park.. However, the national park is worth a trip. I recommend a different kayak rental, though.

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