The Terrace Shoe & Bag Repairs i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Terrace Shoe & Bag Repairs



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99, The Terrace, 6011, Wellington, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 4-499 5539
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Latitude: -41.282155, Longitude: 174.775087

kommentar 4

  • Matthieu MARY

    Matthieu MARY


    Helpful, serious and excellent job quality. A bit difficult to park near the shop.

  • adrian sparrow

    adrian sparrow


    Great service, good value

  • en

    Cathie Dowell


    I have been taking my stuff for several years. These guys are awesome! I am always so impressed with the quality of their workmanship and at a reasonable rate too. Would highly recommend. In my opinion, the best shoe repair shop in town! 😊

  • Nyasha Bagley

    Nyasha Bagley


    Brought in two pairs of shoes- one a pair I'd bought used and just needed reheeled and the other a pair I'd worn for years with the sole worn through and half the heel missing. The first took a week and came back just like new. They became a new favourite right away due to the look and feel. My old favourites came back a month later and it was better than I'd bought them seven years ago. Shoe & Bag also managed to match the crazy red color and polished them to new life. Would recommend, these guys know their stuff and charge a reasonable price for the services they provide.

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