Unichem Pharmacy i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandUnichem Pharmacy



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100, Courtenay Place, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 8333
internet side: www.greencrosshealth.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.2928391, Longitude: 174.7803553

kommentar 5

  • Madame Fancypants

    Madame Fancypants


    Terrible, arranged my script to be ready on Friday before the holiday weekend. Spoke to a young guy who had no idea what I was talking about and made no effort to find the script my doctor faxed in the day before. As a result, I’ve had to go all weekend without the medicines I need. This isn’t the first time they’ve failed to do their job but this is the last time I’ll ever go back to them.

  • Susie Warren

    Susie Warren


    Professional and knowledgeable staff who go above and beyond their roles to assist. I am a cbd resident and have been filling my scripts here for several months. I was unable to make the short walk there and the exceptional staff delivered me my repeat - amazing consistent customer service! It's quieter thanks to being located within the cinema complex - which when unwell etc is an added bonus. Scripts are filled quickly. Advice and any required information regarding medications and other products is kindly given. First review I have given to a business.

  • Nathan Brown

    Nathan Brown


    Friendly and helpful guy that served me

  • en

    David Fletcher


    Unbelievably rude member of staff. A young female on the afternoon shift. No tolerance or patience. Speaking to people like dirt.

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    M Side


    Pretty much always open. Have my prescriptions readily available or get them within a day (even over the weekend). Convenient location, helpful staff.

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