Volare Restaurant i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandVolare Restaurant



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Onsdagåben 24 timer
91, Charles Prevost Drive, 2105, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-267 6688
internet side: volare.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -37.0053343, Longitude: 174.9164666

kommentar 5

  • Carl Jones

    Carl Jones


    Great food, friendly staff, exceptional restaurant. You should definitely book in advance because they're incredibly popular

  • Joan Crook

    Joan Crook


    Busy and buzzing but rather noisy, we were seated in a smaller room off the main restaurant which was quieter but a little cool. Soon rectified with the switch on of an electric heater. Food good. My choice of pizza Calzone arrived looking like a huge Cornish pastie. Too big for me, took most of it home.

  • en

    Nina Skipper


    Absolutely fantastic food and at a reasonable price. The service both table and bar were to be commended....What a Great eating experience!

  • Jake Cruz

    Jake Cruz


    We live very close to Volare and love this option for dinner at walking distance. Friendly staff that ensure you enjoy the dining experience. We have ordered takeout from and dined in at Volare and both experiences were positive. Favourite would have to be the Penè lope! Yum!

  • Melissa Camberos

    Melissa Camberos


    Lovely restaurant, but the food isn't exactly something to boast about. And every time I come here with my husband, he gets sick when he gets home. And he never gets sick from food. He's basically the human vacuum, haha. So not sure what's going on there. And for the last couple times I've been here, the chicken tastes like it has been left for quite a while then used. Almost rubbery. Absolutely great the first time I dined here, but since then.. Not impressed. Not sure if they fired a chef or what. And not many selections for non-alcoholic drinks. Though the ladies are absolutely lovely! Only reason why I keep coming back! Definitely wouldn't be my first choice destination for dinner though.

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