VR Takapuna i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandVR Takapuna



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1, Beresford Street, 0622, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-445 7100
internet side: vrhotels.co.nz
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Latitude: -36.81617, Longitude: 174.76898

kommentar 5

  • Rene Lind-Steyn

    Rene Lind-Steyn


    Peaceful, No city noise, and in close proximity to just hop-on a ferry with a 12mins ride to Auckland. Great restaurant, stunning views, comfortable beds, big showers, own kitchenette and all reasonably priced. Highly recommended...We will be back!

  • Andrea Preda

    Andrea Preda


    Nice location, clean rooms, even if a little bit anonymous and all beige...

  • Leonard T

    Leonard T


    Pleasant Motel close to the ferry terminal. Fantastic views of the city but only from some rooms. Not convenient unless you have a car or need to stay in the area. Clean but basic rooms with a small kitchen. I found flies in my room each night which was a bit disconcerting.

  • en

    Elza Wiid


    The building outside and inside need maintenance. The rooms are fine. The view of Auckland city and Harbour bridge are amazing. The service at breakfast wasn’t up to standard. Flies were sitting on the food. There are no lids to protect the food from this. There were no hot breakfast in the containers left. We had to ask for it and had to wait several minutes for it.

  • Inma Diaz

    Inma Diaz


    Boring! So much potencial lost in this place. Nice views, nice rooms, quality in the facilities but just plain boring, nothing special to do , staff just provide you with the minimum repeating the rules again and again. A magnificent terrace with views to Auckland with a limited time, under used and little to offer. Do not go on Xmas or New Year like myself. You will not get any type of seasonal greetings or similar. No enthusiasm from staff . Could have spent much more money at the hotel on extras but either it was not available , or it was not offered. The Management need to look into creating a better experience instead of just a nice place with a roof where to sleep. Recommended if you wanna forget the world and watch tv all day. Breakfast is regular.

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