Waldorf Celestion Apartment Hotel i Auckland

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New ZealandWaldorf Celestion Apartment Hotel



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19-23, Anzac Avenue, 1010, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-280 2200
internet side: waldorf.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -36.8462052, Longitude: 174.7714716

kommentar 5

  • Jerome Wong

    Jerome Wong


    Part of this hotel lobby is a restaurant called little India. It's got amazing curries! Lamb vindaloo was my choice and medium hot was my chilli game. To be honest I could have stepped it up, but I love my chilli. Recommended for flavour without the afterburn!

  • en

    Megan Christensen


    Great location, good size apartment, good facilities. Nice sized balcony, comfortable beds. Cleaning could be better.

  • vihash rajawasam

    vihash rajawasam


    Really nice venue for a reasonable price. The facilities were great and the overall experience was delightful

  • en

    Lee Goodall


    This hotel was booked for me by a colleague. I was offered a few options I.e. Hilton, Sofitel and Waldorf. As I had previously stayed at other Waldorf Hotels I felt very confident in choosing the Waldorf Celestion in Auckland. Previously we stayed at The Langham in Auckland but I couldn’t remember the name when I was due to travel to NZ again. I was extremely shocked at the standard of this hotel and could not believe that it was part of the Waldorf chain of hotels. The hotel was shabby, the rooms were barely 3 star, there was no Airconditioning in the bedrooms and the noise of from the alley below was intolerable. I received absolutely NO satisfaction from any of the 3 people I spoke to and I felt quite threatened when I spoke to one particular man at the desk. They told me that they would contact the other Waldorf close by to see if I could relocate but they never did. We left a day early as we could not stand the banging of the rubbish bins in the alley any longer. I have learned a valuable lesson and just want to warn anyone who is expecting the high standard that is usually associated with the Waldorf that it doesn’t apply to this hotel!!!!!

  • Ryan Beales

    Ryan Beales


    Good rooms, quiet and close to everything. Comfortable beds! No complaints at all! They rooms aren't serviced every day but we knew that going in.

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