Warehouse Stationery i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWarehouse Stationery



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106, Manukau Road, 2120, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-239 1051
internet side: www.warehousestationery.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -37.2053, Longitude: 174.91061

kommentar 5

  • en

    Craig Taylor


    Staff are friendly and helpful, but the printer ink prices are RIDICULOUSLY expensive!!! I wanted a box of four brother cartridges and they come in a box with free photo paper. The Warehouse stationary price- $163.00. I walked one minute to the Computer Food.co.nz store and the exact same box was $119.00 and wasn’t on special. How Warehouse Stationary can justify such a price is beyond me. Their buying power is much greater than the smaller store. I will be buying all of my computer needs at computer food from now on.

  • Maureen Strong

    Maureen Strong


    Found Matthew very helpful explaining the rewards scheme being business owners in real estate like his sales approach and mannerism.

  • en

    Keyur Desai


    I remember I had to get around 25 separate pamphlets bound and a girl, I think her name was Mckayla, (she's working there today when I went in as well) wasn't working just came from a netball game to check in with them, and she was the only one who knew how to do what I asked for. So She worked, not on the clock, for over an hour. She was helpful beyond what I could say. And she deserves recognition and praise. The warehouse stationary pukekohe has the best team. Thank you so much for the help.

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    Rish Rish


    Amazing customer service by Lysah....went there couple of times and she is always helpful.....👍 Thanks again

  • linda comp

    linda comp


    Awesome clean fantastic staff that went the extra mile to make sure I had what I needed plus more.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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