Westpac Stadium i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWestpac Stadium


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105, Waterloo Quay, 6140, Wellington, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 4-473 3881
internet side: westpacstadium.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.2729218, Longitude: 174.7859154

kommentar 5

  • A Hunt

    A Hunt


    If you are watching a game after 5pm rain/shine, pack warm clothes, a snack bag each for the kids. No1 wants to spend $5 per item at the food places there, if you are seriously starving, the only decent thing to buy are the dogs as you enter @ $10.00ea. There are food monitor ppl so the wait time throughout is not as bad anymore (FYI.. The fish and chips as well as the coffee sold are disgusting). There is a lot more security now, which is a bonus, last year was an overdose of drunk ppl at the games.

  • en

    Lizelouize Lamprecht


    Loved it. It's a beautiful, family friendly place. Easy to get to and easy to go home again, when living outside of Wellington. Right by the station and within walking distance from the city centre.

  • Steve Timms

    Steve Timms


    Close to town and good for watching some rugby, would get five stars if it was square. The 'Cake Tin' is the fabled location where John Eales kicked a sensational late penalty goal in 2000 to give the Wallabies a 24-23 win to draw the series 1-all and retain the trophy.

  • Joshua Anderson

    Joshua Anderson


    Great venue for rugby. The acoustics are a bit off for Concerts, but still a good time. Wheelchair access to the stadium is up one of several steep ramps which some may require assistance with. Once on the concourse it is entirely flat. Wheelchair seating is great no matter what the event, be it Sports Music or something else. The bathrooms are big enough for most chairs, however there can be a wait to use them during events.

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