Whakatane Holiday Park i Whakatane

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWhakatane Holiday Park


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Mcgarvey Road, 3120, Whakatane, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 7-308 8694
internet side: www.whakataneholidaypark.co.nz
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Latitude: -37.948788, Longitude: 176.986111

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas DeSalvo


    Great location by the gardens. Plenty of space. Clean bathroom and showers. Kitchen can get a bit cramped, but I just went after the rush. Comfortable tv room.

  • IvyAna Cerin

    IvyAna Cerin


    I had a wonderful time at this campground. The staff was really friendly and helpful. I was just in tent and it was a really quick walk along the water to get to the main part of town. A beautiful location that was kept clean and safe! Loved it!

  • en

    Maureen Sherborne


    We stayed at the holiday park for Easter 2018 in one of the new units. The unit was really nice with all facilities and was just like home away from home. Beds were really comfortable. Lovely shower. Even had a washing machine although we didn't use it as I was on holiday. If we go to Whakatane again we would definitely stay there.

  • en

    Tiale Emani-Roimata


    Amazing, always loved staying here when we visit. Has changed alot, beautiful facilities as always. Great changes, be back again sooner rather than later.

  • en

    Marianne Pritchard


    We stayed for 2 nights over Christmas and had a fantastic time. We had 2 self-contained units and a kitchen cabin which were more than adequate for my families needs. We thoroughly enjoyed the pool and BBQ area and just generally found the entire facility to be top notch. Although the campground is quite close to town, it was very quiet and relaxing. The staff were amazing and friendly. My family and I will definitely be staying there again!

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