Yourstyle Tailoring i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandYourstyle Tailoring



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6, Gilmer Terrace, 6011, Wellington, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 4-471 1627
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Latitude: -41.2858607, Longitude: 174.7748312

kommentar 5

  • Barbara Keenan

    Barbara Keenan


    I had a lined top that needed alterations and went to Yourstyle Tailoring based upon these reviews. I found Antonio to be very professional and helpful and he was super quick. My top was ready the next day and the fit is great. Thanks, Antonio!

  • John Edwards

    John Edwards


    Antonio has the best customer service, extremely helpful and knowledgeable about everything I needed to know. Helped me keep to my budget and even came down with me to hallensteins to help pick out some more clothes I needed. The suit is looking great and is perfectly tailored to me. Highly recommend!!

  • en

    Serena O


    Am unsure why Julia commented how she did. As a female young professional (25) I have found that Antonio provides lovely service, is very friendly and very professional. He makes you feel like a valued customer from start to finish - note they are usually closed by 5 though.

  • en

    Julia White


    Incredibly rude and overpriced. Do not go here. When I walked into the store full of men's suits, and male mannequins in suits, I asked him if he also altered woman's clothing. He laughed at me very condescendingly and said "I have been altering woman's clothes for 40 years". I then asked if he could alter a skirt for me. He said "hurry up and get it on, so I can get it done before my 1pm appointment". In shock of his rudeness, I dutifully obliged. He fitted it, and kept saying, "I can't believe you ask me if I fit woman's clothes". At the counter writing my ticket this short, rude man somehow managed to look down at me from his glasses with his nose in the air. He said that it was $55 for the two side seams and he requires customers to pre-pay. I thought this was expensive. I said that most services, such as hair dressers, dry cleaners, restaurants etc, you pay once you receive the service, and I would prefer to pay on pick up. He said that this was his policy, and that it was rude of me to suggest this. At this stage, I'd had enough. I asked for my skirt back. I wanted to take my business elsewhere. He insisted I pay a $10 fitting fee. After staunchly refusing to pay anything to this rude man for 10 minutes while he scolded me for wasting his time, I eventually walked around to the rack, took my skirt and walked out. He called me a "stupid girl" as I left. Down the road, at a lovely place on Victoria St, the same alteration cost me less than half the price - $25 (pay on pick up) and the woman was absolutely delightful.

  • en

    George S


    Excellent service from an exceptional tailor. Antonio knows how to ensure clothing fits well. Had some alterations done and a shirt made which fits like a glove. Will definitely be back!! Very professional and reasonably priced tailoring in the heart of the city. Keep up the good work Antonio!

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