171 On High Motel i Blenheim

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New Zealand171 On High Motel



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171, High Street, 7201, Blenheim, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-579 5098
internet side: www.171onhighmotel.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.5118237, Longitude: 173.9498157

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leaanne Shaw


    Excellent accommodation, great location and Donna is the perfect host .Highly recommend 171 on High.

  • en

    Enrico Susatyo


    Donna is very friendly. Left the keys for me when I arrive at midnight. The rooms are quite clean.

  • en

    Edwin Nissen


    Nice clean and comfortable motel with friendly owners and only a 5 minute walk from downtown.

  • Simon Woolley

    Simon Woolley


    Donna makes you feel at home. Im Kiwi and its above average for sure. Highly recommended. Clean modern and warm.

  • Mike Allegrezza

    Mike Allegrezza


    Being from the states, I tend to read "motel" as "trashy hotel," but this cute motel was better than most hotel rooms. There is a kitchenette in the room that includes a microwave, which was useful for making a small dinner and breakfast. Free tea, coffee, and hot chocolate - the owners even give you fresh milk for drinks. It's owned by a lovely couple who are very friendly and can offer many suggestions for things to do. A nice amenity is their selection of DVDs that they let you watch for free. The DVD player was tricky to work though, as the remote wasn't able to control it, but we did watch a whole movie one night, a relaxing break from busy days of traveling and excursions. There's no AC, so it can get a bit stuffy in the room, but it's manageable with the fan provided and windows open. And it seems that almost no places in NZ have AC anyway. I do wish 171 on High had screens in the windows though to keep bugs from getting in. Two black cats roam the premises, one friendly and the other shy. You may just find them peering into your room or lounging around the parking lot. Nothing to fear unless you are deathly allergic to them. Overall, it's a very comfortable and welcoming place to stay.

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