Animates Kilbirnie & Grooming i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAnimates Kilbirnie & Grooming



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15, Mahora Street, 6022, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-387 8360
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Latitude: -41.3192751, Longitude: 174.7974902

kommentar 5

  • Christy Ohbee

    Christy Ohbee


    Everytime I go into this store I am left looking and never approached to see if I need a hand. When I have approached staff in the past with queries they have advised me to go somewhere else as they don't actually have knowledge of fish and pet care.

  • en

    Tofa Fagaloa


    Staff always friendly, helpful and give our fur baby lots of attention when she comes in and treats (after checking with us). One time even one of them helped bathe her as she doesn't like baths.

  • Richard Terrill

    Richard Terrill


    Airy clean store. Friendly staff.

  • Trevor Mordaunt

    Trevor Mordaunt


    Recently got a puppy, the staff there were very helpful. Guided me through various products and never felt rush. The manager has been especially awesome and always remember both my puppy and my name. Thank you

  • Oxana Gokal

    Oxana Gokal


    Great place. Happy with the service, range and trade hours. Our local store.

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