🕗 godziny otwarcia
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209, Valley Road, 3116, Tauranga, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakt telefon: +64 7-575 5774
strona internetowej: www.mtmaunganuimotel.co.nz
wiÄksza mapa i wskazĆ³wkiLatitude: -37.6587135, Longitude: 176.2102432
shelley adams
::Large unit, but quite old (cigarette burns in bathroom sink, mould on ceiling in shower, no AC, bed extremely soft). I was also surprised that the bed didn't get made or dishes done when housekeeping came through. Good proximity to the beach
NƦoshi Sasaki
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Matthew Cooke
::Hated this place. I was put in unit 3 and unfortunately, had a light outside it that turned on when someone moved near it. This kept me awake most of the night. On the second night, people who lived near the motel, launched fireworks at 2:00am in the morning. On the description of the motel, it says 'villas in a quiet, peaceful, relaxing location'. Don't stay here.
Guido Travaglianti