Cafe Baba w Wellington

Nowa ZelandiaCafe Baba


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Te Aro, Wellington 6011, Neuseeland
kontakt telefon: +64 4-384 6652
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -41.2935595, Longitude: 174.7818804

komentarze 5

  • Jonno Clarges

    Jonno Clarges


    Ordered via UberEats extras weren't included and after calling them, they refused to pick up. The actual main was cold and was fair. Will never eat there again for the shocking customer service and strongly recommend others to avoid at all costs.

  • en

    Claudia Smith


    Thanks very much for this disgusting veggie kebab yesterday!! Please throw all moldy vegetables away and NEVER sell them again deep-fried to any customers! The carrots were already black and moldy. Be honest and do not serve to customers what you would never eat yourself!

  • Eddy Martin

    Eddy Martin


    Fantastic fresh food and good portions. There was a delay when we ate there but the guy was very friendly and apologetic. We'll eat here again.

  • en

    steph Wellington


    Order arrived missing half of what we ordered. Special instructions e.g. no sauce was totally ignored. Described as mild but was in fact very hot. Called to query and the man was the most sexost condescending person I've ever encountered. He kept calling me sweetie even when I asked him to stop. He kept telling me to learn to read and talked over me. Absolutely refused to listen to me and insisted he was correct and ended up hanging up on me. Worst service I've ever experienced. This being said from someone that generally doesn't leave reviews

  • en

    Wessam Bessada


    worse place in town, bad customer service and very rude communications, tables, chair and floor were dirty and they were not busy at that time. Before I order the falafel I've asked the owner of the shop if it's fresh they have confirmed its fresh out of the oil but then the guy put it in the microwave to heat up and it was hard to chew and taste terrible plus he was using the same tongs to carry raw chicken and that would piss off any vegetarian, using his own hand and licks his fingers when he touches any souse. I'm never going back, this shop makes money out of drink kids leaving bars on weekends mooring >>>0/10

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