Earnslaw Lodge i Queenstown

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandEarnslaw Lodge



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77, Frankton Road, 9300, Queenstown, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-442 8728
internet side: www.earnslawlodge.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -45.0346901, Longitude: 168.6708778

kommentar 5

  • Garrick Zukerman

    Garrick Zukerman


    Most disappointing stay, the manager was surly, almost rude, the toiletries offered were the meanest, smallest soap I have ever seen in a hotel. Couldn't read a map as the lighting was so poor, had to use my cellphone torch to read. Could not recommend this hotel to anyone

  • Ian Butler

    Ian Butler


    Very good value. Super location with great views. Shower very good with good laundry service. Rooms clean and spacious with a delighful feel of the 70's which we liked. Hosts were quirky and very friendly and helpful. A little gem in the chaos of Queenstown.

  • en

    Amiee Lister


    Absolutely terrible environment to be in. Save yourself your money on something actually worth staying at not have to be harassed every minute by the embarrassingly strict managers. Do not recommend at all. Will not be coming back

  • Gayleen Thomas

    Gayleen Thomas


    Awesome place to stay. Quick to walk to town and attractions. Hosts happy to arrange trips and tours. Huge rooms. Lake view rooms are fantastic! Breakfast cooked to order if requested and delicious to boot! Rooms are very clean, comfortable and have everything you need to make your stay easy. Will definitely return here!

  • en

    Freddie Koh


    The rooms were spacious and had a great view of the beautiful lake and mountain view. The manager was also very helpful to our needs and gave us good advices on the places around queenstown.

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