Farang Cafe & Bistro w Auckland

Nowa ZelandiaFarang Cafe & Bistro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

503, New North Road, 1021, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakt telefon: +64 9-815 3834
strona internetowej: www.farangcafe.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -36.872206, Longitude: 174.743694

komentarze 5

  • en

    Victoria Falemaka


    Great for people who love spicy food. The waitress was a bit rude, talked down to us differently than other tables hmmmmm. A group of friends and I celebrated there for a birthday, hardly got asked if we needed anything, we had to get up and go and ask most of the time.

  • James Penrose

    James Penrose


    Great atmosphere... Amazing food ... a must

  • Giang Nguyen

    Giang Nguyen


    Happened to stumble upon this cafe purely by chance and I'm glad I did. The restaurant has a nice atmosphere and the staff was very friendly. The best part was the food though. It was a lot tastier than I expected. I'll definitely be back again to try out the other items on the menu.

  • en

    Evan Lansdown


    Such great, tasty and vibrant food! This is always our go to in Kingsland amomgst all the great options on offer. Make sure you book on a Friday night as the place is small and fills quickly - for a reason! You will bit be disappointed by the food or friendly staff - highly recommended

  • Justin Kimberley

    Justin Kimberley


    Great place for dinner. The food is incredibly tasty and authentic with great flavour combos. Have been there twice now and both times have been blown away with the food. Sweetie boy buns, eggplant, coconut vermicelli and duck curry are all amazing. Definitely check it out.

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