Liquorland i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandLiquorland



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233, Victoria Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-801 8805
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Latitude: -41.2952598, Longitude: 174.77248

kommentar 5

  • Richard Taylor

    Richard Taylor


    A basic booze barn. A lot of stuff but not much quality. You will find a chianti or a Rioja here and there and a few choice spirits but generally there aren't many deals for the cheaper options and isn't much class for something special. But it's central and has all kinds of booze. Staff are polite.

  • en

    Kailash parag


    Fairly close to central town. Has a good amount of off street parking. The price at this liquor store is a lot cheaper than you will find at most other liquor store. This store also has a good selection of alcohol which is well layed out throughout the store.

  • en

    Steffi Van Lith


    Chiller could be bigger and craft cider range could be better but otherwise has what I want and staff are good

  • Will Search

    Will Search


    Tom went out of his way tonight to make sure I was unsatisfied and won't be returning.

  • Chris Turner

    Chris Turner


    Good range of craft beers, lacking a little in the mid price point for red wines however!

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