Nice Place Property Management Ltd w Wellington

Nowa ZelandiaNice Place Property Management Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

174 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021, New Zealand
kontakt telefon: +64 4-389 8840
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -41.313863, Longitude: 174.779642

komentarze 5

  • en

    Patrik Niebur


    Great team, quick problem solvers ... Best experience as a tenant

  • Mariko M

    Mariko M


    We have been tenants for over two years now and we have been very happy with Nice Place Property Management. It is good to know that you can rely on someone when there is an issue. Be it a rental topic or a broken oven. If we needed help or had some enquiries, Keith and his team would address these promptly and competent. They are a friendly and professional team. Thank you!

  • Dariusz Długosz

    Dariusz Długosz


    We have been with Nice Place for two years as a Tenant. We found them very friendly and helpful. Every time we had query or an issue, they have been dealt with it promptly and professionally. Great agency, we have nothing to complain about. Would definitely recommend Nice Place Property Management.

  • Michael Liang

    Michael Liang


    - Entered tenanted property without permission. This is an unlawful act and consequences include up to 3 months imprisonment or $2000 fine if bought to the Tenancy Tribunal. - Repeatedly failing to turn up for inspection (hopefully property owner wasn't charged for it) - Attempted to raise rents by $65 (11%) for an earthquake prone building with no strengthening work done - Left the lights on in all rooms when bringing through an engineer and shifting blame on us. Attempted to increase rent by $80 (13%) after we emailed about it. - Unpleasant to deal with overall We've been good tidy tenants paying rent on time, however know our rights and refuse to get bullied.

  • Berhampore Locks

    Berhampore Locks


    Great company to deal with. Keith has a fantastic knowledge and always friendly.

najbliższy Agencja Nieruchomości

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