North City Tenpin & Virtual Reality Arcade i Porirua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandNorth City Tenpin & Virtual Reality Arcade



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35, Kenepuru Drive, 5022, Porirua, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-237 4428
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Latitude: -41.1476405, Longitude: 174.8417065

kommentar 5

  • Knight of Jville

    Knight of Jville


    The staff are friendly and it was an awesome experience, surely we will be back.

  • Charlie Simpson

    Charlie Simpson


    I did the vr thing twice, one of them I did with one other person and one for a birthday party, when I did it with one other person it went fine, the website was accurate, the timing was pretty good, and the guy seemed like he knew his stuff. When I went for the party it was a whole different story, we had a booking for the 10 people kids birthday party which on the website said "5 booths for 1 hour" but I advise the owners to change the website to saying 4 booths because we were only given and saw 4. Another reason to take off a star was the fact that we only got to have 35 minutes of play time each, (we had two adults that didn't use any of the time) because of the time it took to put the headsets on, I think the website was slightly misleading and I won't come here again, (not that I would because I have my own headset now which cost about how much we spent for our less than satisfactory experience. Don't come here for party's... Ever

  • Gemma McIver

    Gemma McIver


    Generally enjoyable but the blonde hair lady was super rude and unhelpful. They also want you to book but no one answers the phone or calls you back. Also you pay $8.50 for a bowl of chips and they don't even have doggy bags.

  • Kayla Wilson

    Kayla Wilson


    would get 5 stars but they didn't count one of my strikes >:(

  • Stephen Kemp

    Stephen Kemp


    We took our son and 3 of his friends to the Virtual Reality rooms. The staff were really helpful and the guy in the Virtual Reality room was super helpful and explained everything really well. Kids had fun and there was good variety on the games they could play. We ordered pizza's and fries and they were brought up to the room with 15-20 minutes. There wasn't much left after the teenagers dug in.

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