Oamaru TOP 10 Holiday Park i Oamaru

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New ZealandOamaru TOP 10 Holiday Park



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30, Chelmer Street, 9400, Oamaru, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-434 7666
internet side: www.oamarutop10.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -45.097241, Longitude: 170.956165

kommentar 5

  • en

    Janet Wightman


    Stayed in 2 bed unit by office and facing road. Very quiet. Lovely clean and modern unit. Amazingly comfortable beds. Lovely helpful staff. Easy flat walk to town through gardens. Highly recommended

  • en

    Helen Sykes


    Marvellous showers. Friendly and helpful staff. Avoid main road facing sites if possible, traffic quite heavy.

  • en

    Todd Martin


    We stayed in one of the cabins. The good: The office staff is friendly, helpful, and accommodating; the room is updated and clean; the park is a

  • Wilf Forrow

    Wilf Forrow


    Great location, right on A2O (Alps to Ocean) cycle trail and right next to the beautiful Oamaru Gardens, close to shops. Best showers of whole trip, spacious pitch under birch trees, and recommended best takeaway fish and chips ever, which cost $9 for 2 of us. Doesn’t get any better.

  • Doug Thompson

    Doug Thompson


    This place was just right. Spaces are spaced well enough and you back up to a public garden which is beautiful. All facilities are modern and clean. Internet was good. Definitely go see the blue penguins and steampunk museum. I would stay again without hesitation.

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