Parkview Motor Inn i Pukekohe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandParkview Motor Inn



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75, Queen Street, 2120, Pukekohe, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-238 4068
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Latitude: -37.2038471, Longitude: 174.9005191

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Manuel


    No fire protection. Couldn't understand the lady at reception. Shower was so small it was a joke. Bed was a single and mattress kept collapsing on left handside. Changed accommodation following night.

  • Dave Darlow

    Dave Darlow


    Nice comfy clean rooms, fast WiFi and super helpful owners. Couldn't recommend enough

  • en

    Sasha Mitchell


    Very disappointed in this place booked over a month ago to attend a wedding. All booked and everything then I get a call from them saying they had to cancel my booking due to renovations. Could not understand a word that they were saying. Then I attended my wedding yesterday and on the way back to the hotel we booked we though we would stop in as we could see it said vacancies... so went in and asked if they had anything what do you know they do..... so i highly suggest not to book with them as they are liers and do not speak good English at all....

  • Rimaiti Peraua

    Rimaiti Peraua


    Loved the king size bed lol We stayed in a studio room it was very clean and comfortable.

  • Darren Chan

    Darren Chan


    Beds were comfortable, wifi was fairly fast and the hosts were very nice. They pointed out the different amenities available to us (where applicable).

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