The Ponsonby Road Bistro w Auckland

Nowa ZelandiaThe Ponsonby Road Bistro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

165, Ponsonby Road, 1011, Auckland, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakt telefon: +64 9-360 1611
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -36.8543993, Longitude: 174.7461744

komentarze 5

  • Daniël van Leeuwen

    Daniël van Leeuwen


    How can I describe this? The lady who served us was super friendly, knew all about the menu and the wines and simply made us feel home and welcome. Great wine collection, good food and great location. If I lived in Auckland, I would eat here every week!

  • en

    sheeba lamba


    It’s a nice cosy place. The food is good and service is nice and friendly. Menu options are a bit limited but the favours are nice and quantity is decent

  • en

    Malcolm Booth


    Excellent food, wine and ambiance. Salmon was superb. Try the local Reiesling. Attentive and friendly service.

  • SRM NZrcboats

    SRM NZrcboats


    They squeezed me in for dinner right before the Pride Parade on the 17th of Feb (my Birthday) Although preparing for an exceptionally busy night the service was polite, efficient, very friendly and homely. The food - perfectly cooked, hot, on time and a delight to behold. So many times, and even without one of the busiest nights of the calendar year, so many restaurants treat their clients as a nuisance, well not The Ponsonby Road Bistro, not only did they seat me and allow me to place an order, the Bartender even made me a special made to order non-alcoholic drink. I'm a former heart patient and a medication I'm on doesn't allow the intake of grapefruit or its products and the menued drink had grapefruit in it - The Bartender knew how to work around that and delivered the best, and most refreshing drink of my life - so good I grabbed a second - Shame I can only rank this place 5 stars - the staff, service and food there deserve a few more.

  • Nitesh Gautam

    Nitesh Gautam


    . (07/2017) Nice stylish bistro. Well located and easily noticeable. Friendly and helpful staff. Lovely ambiance. Delicious food but limited choice for vegans and vegetarians. Good for groups and celebrations.

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