The Village Goldsmith i Wellington

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New ZealandThe Village Goldsmith



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78, Victoria Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-473 5253
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Latitude: -41.288649, Longitude: 174.775947

kommentar 5

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    Graeme Smith


    Barbara and I have known Ian for the past 34 years. Ian designed and made Barbara's engagement ring....when The Village Goldsmith was "up the hill" in Kelburn and we have had a great relationship since then with other jewellery, particularly the fantastic eternity ring - a perfect fit. Now our family use The Village Goldsmith as their jeweller. Thanks Ian and your staff for the great service we have received.

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    Peter van de Merwe


    I had a great experience when wanting to create and design the engagement ring. VG really helped me with taking me through the process from concept to design, and provided great advice on how to go about it, how to refine it and also stay within set budget. The result was a stunning and unique ring which served its purpose well! We will be back for designing our wedding bands with VG for sure!

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    Andrew Etheridge


    My Wife lost her Engagement Ring, I suppled a new one from another shop and had Village Goldsmith Make a new Wedding ring from using the stones and metal from the original wedding & eternity rings. The Village Goldsmith came up with a design that matched in with the replacement Engagement Ring perfectly. The Village Goldsmith are very easy to deal with, and had the finished piece to me in only a few weeks. They are very well priced in the work they do and amazing in the quality of the workmanship. I can recommend them to anyone looking to have a custom piece made. Thank you Andrew

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    Traryn Owen


    Had a custom piece made and it was better then I could ever dream! Have gotten so many compliments on it and Steve came up with a design so much better then I could think of he really understood the piece and the end product and experience with staff was incredible and so helpful! Been telling everyone who made it and will definitely use you again in the future! Thank you for making me such a special one of a kind piece.

  • Jacqui Van Der Kaay

    Jacqui Van Der Kaay


    The Village Goldsmith are so great to deal with. I had my engagement and wedding rings made there 20 years ago and to celebrate our anniversary I just recently had an eternity ring made to match. It is so lovely to have the set. The service I received was so great with excellent advice about what would work best with my existing rings. The workmanship is second to none. I highly recommend them.

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