Trentham NZ Post & Kiwibank i Upper Hutt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandTrentham NZ Post & Kiwibank



🕗 åbningstider

9B, Camp Street, 5019, Upper Hutt, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-939 6776
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.1379249, Longitude: 175.0342703

kommentar 5

  • Philip Apolinario

    Philip Apolinario


    All good

  • Lawrence Momoivalu

    Lawrence Momoivalu


    Very quick service and excellent staff

  • mackley davies

    mackley davies


    Went I. There to get my car registered, I forgot the number plate and had a few attempts at it. The guy told me I'd done it enough and had to leave. Managed to get the number plate and the guy started asking me questions like I had stolen it. Would not go there again

  • Julianna Varadi

    Julianna Varadi


    This is my go to Post Shop. They are such friendly lovely people and very helpful. Fabulous range gifts & cards with a lot of NZ made giftwrap cards and souvenirs etc. A little gem in Trentham.

  • Hannah



    Called to ask if the postie had returned to this Postshop yet, so that I could pick up an item that was not delivered in hopes that I can pick it up at the end of the day instead of the following day. The guy here rudely asked if I read the card stating to pick it up the following day. He said because if I did, it would save me the trip. I said, that is why I am calling???. By this stage, he had pissed me off enough for me to talk to him like he was an idiot so he hung up on me. All because you were too lazy to check if my item was there.

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