Warehouse Stationery i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWarehouse Stationery



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160, Victoria Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-801 9152
internet side: www.warehousestationery.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.291987, Longitude: 174.774048

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hajin Kim


    Aussie version of Officeworks. Printing service available as well.

  • Maao Vaireka

    Maao Vaireka


    Went to the Te Aro - Warehouse Stationary on Tuesday 7th to print an A1 poster and the service was excellent and the finished product was done quickly at a very reasonable cost. The girl was very attentive and even though there was a line there was no stress. Many thanks

  • en

    Gael Price


    Very well priced printing, staff are helpful, and the range of stock is amazing. Where else can you buy fancy stationery, 3d printers and jumbo boxes of tea all in the same store. The online store is great too - I always receive my items the next day, no matter how late at night I place the order.

  • en

    Martin Lee


    Went to buy a computer for my brother. Kata was really helpful. Big up's Kata.

  • Aria Smith

    Aria Smith


    For quick printing needs this place works for me. The staff is low key but super helpful. (personally I don't like hyperactive sales people). My only complaint would be with the brand itself and the pricing for office supplies in comparison to other stores. So all I do here is printing.

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