Wellington City Libraries i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWellington City Libraries



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65, Victoria Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-801 4068
internet side: www.wcl.govt.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.288194, Longitude: 174.776806

kommentar 5

  • Luca van Gorkom

    Luca van Gorkom


    An impressive library for such a small city. A huge amount of space over 4 floors. A cafe with large amounts of seating areas, and desks and chairs all around the library for working. Free Wi-Fi is great here, provided by Wellington Council. They have heaps of books of all types, CDs, DVDs, magazines etc.

  • Play 4 moon

    Play 4 moon


    It has three floors, each one has hundreds shelves of books I assume, because its really big. Love the vibes around, everyone seems concentrating on something they really love. Also, they have a cafe where you can get great food after a hunting in knowledge.

  • Chris King

    Chris King


    One of the most incredible libraries to date. Had some amazing memories of this place when I was at school.

  • Alex B

    Alex B


    Big library with lots of space to read and study. Heaps of cool resources like DVDs and magazines. Cool little cafe inside too.

  • William Hendradjaja

    William Hendradjaja


    What's not to love about a library. We were just visiting wellington and I need a place to work and open my laptop and I had a productive afternoon here. Nice ambience to work / study, especially with the view overlooking the harbour - couldn't ask more! We get a free wifi from the city as well - Thank you Wellington.

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