Zumo Coffee House Wellington w Wellington

Nowa ZelandiaZumo Coffee House Wellington



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Tory Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ Neuseeland
kontakt telefon: +64 4-801 7336
strona internetowej: www.zumo.coffee
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -41.292349, Longitude: 174.781958

komentarze 5

  • Wayne Morris

    Wayne Morris


    Great spot to enjoy strong coffee. Bring your own food snack to enjoy with Zumo's great coffee

  • en

    Jesse Drabble


    Best cafe in Wellington hands down. Fantastic seating indoors and outdoors and the manager really knows his stuff so if you're ever unsure what coffee to get, just ask. You will probably want to ask with 7 different roasts available too. If you're looking for a great coffee away from the noise of the central CBD, Zumo has got you covered.

  • en

    cleo patra


    Amazing indoor outdoor area. Relaxing feel to it AND great coffee. Staff lovely

  • Pippa Black

    Pippa Black


    This is hands down the *best* soya, decaf flat white in Wellington. Beyond decaf, the staff know their coffee and can advise as to the best combination of beans that will please the pallet without curdling the soy milk (as acidic beans are wont to do). Food choices are not their forte though especially not for vegans. That said, Commonsense Organics is just next door... Definitely worth a visit for the coffee and the interesting atmosphere created by the gas fires. A good place to chat or work.

  • Peter Chapman

    Peter Chapman


    This is now my favourite coffee bar in Wellington. There are several different beans to suit your preference and coffee, and the coffee was truly great. Staff went above and beyond to be helpful, and to talk to and entertain my 2 year old. I visited twice over a weekend, with different staff each time, and the service and coffee was excellent both times. There is variety in seating to suit whether you are by yourself, meeting someone, working, or wanting to be sociable. Open fires inside and out keep you warm on a cold Wellington day and the bathrooms were very clean and pleasant. Skip the rest, this is the best.

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