Bowlarama i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandBowlarama



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52, Hall Street, 6021, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-920 0200
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.309029, Longitude: 174.7748618

kommentar 5

  • Teazer 3lue

    Teazer 3lue


    Took kids out bowling for one of the kids birthdays very Rude customer service from the get go i wouldnt recommend this place to anyone ordered platters and the worker is chewing while carrying our food out asked for the barriers to be put up so our 3 year old could bowl with the help of her daddy to be told its for kids under the age of 12 and if thats the case we will cancel your game then we took a little birthday cake in to sing happy birthday and they went off arguing with us in front of our kids once that was done they went behind the bar and I can hear the lady and man clearly talking about me, trust me if I could get a refund I would ,but im never taking my kids back here again if you don't like your job then go find one you do simple ABSOLUTELY NO STAR RATING FOR THIS PLACE

  • Angry Pickel

    Angry Pickel


    The man on the bowlarama counter was very very rude from the beginning. All my friends felt the same. Zero star!

  • Susanna Robinson

    Susanna Robinson


    It was clean and the staff were efficient

  • Eddie Partsch

    Eddie Partsch


    Awesome place and great prices

  • Hadley Thompson

    Hadley Thompson


    Great activity for the holidays and especially for kids. Generally friendly staff. Food a bit over priced but that's what you would expect going to. Palace like this.

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