Bowlarama i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandBowlarama


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Newtown, Wellington 6021, New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-920 0200
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Latitude: -41.3088091, Longitude: 174.7749817

kommentar 5

  • Lewis Harland

    Lewis Harland


    Comfy seating area with an overall good bowling experience.

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    Margaret Crisp


    Fun to play with the older kids in the hols. Get there early for a 9.30am or 10.30am game & you'll save $. Might pay to book in case others think the same. Comfy couches. Serves fast food & coffee.

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    Lynnda Bouzaid


    10 pin bowling. Good lanes.

  • Lana Rosenberg

    Lana Rosenberg


    I have gone to Bowelarma previously and had a pleasant experience. I do believe that the price for bowling is overpriced, for the quality of the environment and cleanliness of the equipment. I recently had a negative experience when I was confronted by one of the employees questioning why we were using the bumpers, if neither I nor the individual I was with were under the age of thirteen. I was accompanying an adult with an intellectual disability and had to explain this to the employee in-front of my companion. It led to the individual I was accompanying to feel distressed and uncomfortable. I am happy to go back to this establishment again, but with the awareness that the price does not equate to the service.

  • Jamal Zaytoun

    Jamal Zaytoun


    Can leave the kids to play in junglerama and parents can enjoy a game of bowling. Perfect. Good discount offered during certain days.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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