BP i Paraparaumu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandBP


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15, Amohia Street, 5032, Paraparaumu, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-902 7450
internet side: www.bp.com
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Latitude: -40.915704, Longitude: 175.006741

kommentar 5

  • Ian Bonallack

    Ian Bonallack


    Friendly staff, good coffee, and the days paper with a seat and table to read it at - what more could you want? !

  • Patrick Stephens

    Patrick Stephens


    No problems - friendly service.

  • Pete & lorraine Pungee

    Pete & lorraine Pungee


    Professional service ..love the save or spend fuel discount ..the app is great too

  • Mel Hart

    Mel Hart


    Great place for petrol and the coffee before heading south

  • Lee Shelton

    Lee Shelton


    I don't like BP business practices, regional price gouging, and some of their history, however... the staff are always excellent, very helpful, and very well trained, customer service is top quality. The facilities are always in good condition. Their locations are well thought out. Is hard to mark them down when their services are this good.

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