Commodore Court Motel i Springlands

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandCommodore Court Motel



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173, Middle Renwick Road, 7201, Springlands, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-578 1259
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.509476, Longitude: 173.92921

kommentar 5

  • Nikola Čech

    Nikola Čech


    The WiFi doesn’t work.

  • en

    Tracey Runciman


    Great hospitality, .grounds and.pool immaculate, rooms great for $$, overall ... awesome overnite stay and would definitely come back here.

  • Colin Chant

    Colin Chant


    Great people. Homely

  • Oriana Basile

    Oriana Basile


    This place was ok. The price was good and the room was clean and there was good kitchen space. It was a bit odd in that it seemed families were living here, and we felt like we were imposing on their space. It was pretty noisy with kids running around. Also, the "free WiFi" is 100MG per room per day (not device) so we went thru that super quick. It's a fine place but I would not stay again.

  • Mike M

    Mike M


    The positives - Bruce was a friendly host. The room's were clean. We couldn't hear any road noise. The negatives - We could hear people clearly speaking in the room next door. We could hear the fan heater vibrating through the wall from the next room every 5 minutes all night. The fridge was noisy and went every 30 minutes all night. The bed was only a double and uncomfortable. The free Wi-Fi actually consisted only of a free 100 mb that gets renewed at midday the next day. Don't plan on uploading any photos. There was no extractor fan in the bathroom or over the cook top to remove the cooking odours.

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