Knightsbridge Court Motor Lodge i Blenheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandKnightsbridge Court Motor Lodge



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112, Middle Renwick Road, 7201, Blenheim, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-578 0818
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Latitude: -41.508932, Longitude: 173.936657

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brian Perry


    Fantastic place! Very modern, great amenities! Only minutes from the wineries!

  • en

    Helen Boakes


    Clean, great location for Speight Ale house for dinner and supermarket across the road. Bed comfortable, shower average. TV on small size. Unit contains everything you need, and nice and modern condition.

  • A No Grainer

    A No Grainer


    Clean, comfortable, spacious and great value for money. Very friendly and hospitable owners and well located for exploring the wineries around Blenheim.

  • Sir Castle

    Sir Castle


    A lovely motel with easy access and good parking. The room was very clean and well equipped and the new owners are very friendly and helpful. I would absolutely stay there again and would recommend it to anyone.

  • en

    Fran Forrest


    We recently spent 2 nights at the Knightsbridge and I have to say it was fantastic. The rooms (we had a 2 bedroom unit) were lovely, clean, fresh and with good light. They also had air conditioning which is a great relief in Blenheim. The staff and owners were wonderful. Highly recommended!

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