Four Seasons Florist i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandFour Seasons Florist



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12, Riddiford Street, 6021, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-389 2539
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Latitude: -41.3079261, Longitude: 174.7779631

kommentar 5

  • B Bro

    B Bro


    Appalling service. Went to their store and asked the workers if I could buy some flowers. They said "No sorry we cannot help you. We are working". I asked them why and they said they weren't selling flowers today.

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    dan ger


    I was in levin and just telephoned a request for flowers to be sent to my wife for our 37th wedding anniversary who was staying in wellington. the flowers were delivered the same day and everyone who saw them believed that i had spent in excess of over $120 . they were magnificent so thank you very much the actual coat was a lot less,

  • Vivien Chiu

    Vivien Chiu


    Same day delivery for my phone order to a Wgtn address. My friend sent me photos of the bouquet. It was beautiful and great value. Highly recommend.

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    Anna-Maria Fradelakis


    The best florist in Wellington! The flowers are always fresh and smell delightful. The bouquets are great value for money and the team are very friendly and efficient. The bouquets can be very unique with the small bouquet at the front which is such a nice touch.

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    Jennifer Neill


    Without a doubt the beat florist in Wellington. I have been coming to four seasons for years after discovering it about 8 years ago. I will cross town just to get her amazing, talented and downright beautiful bunches of flowers. She is so generous with her bunches and just an all round lovely person. Thank you for bring so wonderful, giving and sharing your gift with the world :).

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