Kapiti Holiday Resort i Paraparaumu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandKapiti Holiday Resort



🕗 åbningstider

16, Beach Haven Place, 5032, Paraparaumu, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-298 5932
internet side: www.kapitiholidayresort.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -40.8823063, Longitude: 174.9882122

kommentar 5

  • Madeleine Bolton

    Madeleine Bolton


    This holiday camp site is in a million dollar location. 2 minutes from the beach, walking distance to shops.No recent knowledge of management.

  • Richard Penny

    Richard Penny


    We booked online and arrived before the advertised closing time but they hadn't seen our booking and wouldn't let us stay. Initially we were yelled at saying that they were closed, but after explaining we'd booked online the lady tried to help us and they emailed apologising the next day, but we were campervanning with 2 kids and really needed power etc.

  • Ian Campbell

    Ian Campbell


    Forget this... Turned up with booking but refused entry due their incompetence

  • Jack Hibberd

    Jack Hibberd


    Lovely little spot unfortunately however when we accidentally drove past the office (that was tucked behind a bush and impossible to see) we were talked down to in an extremely hostile tone even after apologizing and explaining it was simply a mistake, completely put us off ever staying there. Staff need people skills!

  • Baby Fish

    Baby Fish


    Nice quiet location close to beach. Tidy facilities. Friendly helpful staff. Great price per night which includes power and each site has its own toilet and shower. Good place to stay if you want to explore Kapiti coast.

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