Plimmerton NZMCA i Porirua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandPlimmerton NZMCA


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9, Ulric Street, 5026, Porirua, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64
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Latitude: -41.0791463, Longitude: 174.8697242

kommentar 5

  • Kat Pope

    Kat Pope


    I was really tired when we parked up here so I didn't get the chance to explore. But some of the members were very rude to us despite are more seasoned members to the park. At least the custodian was police and diplomatic.

  • Bronson Dredge

    Bronson Dredge


    One of the many perks of joining the NZMCA is parks like this one, super handy to town and the ferry’s if you are crossing over. Potable water and dump station in middle of area so you can get any size rig in on either side. Nice and peaceful place to stay. About 10min walk to Plimmerton train station to have a scenic trip into town. There are also shops in Plimmerton including an Thai and Indian takeaway. Great place to stay at a very affordable rate

  • Margaret Hall

    Margaret Hall


    Lovely quiet field with plenty of room for motor homes and caravans of all sizes. I noticed that it is a dog friendly park for those with furry friends. Well sheltered from the wind and not too far from beach and city

  • Kay Willismd

    Kay Willismd


    Handy, clean and tidy, near some playing fields. Train lines and trucks create ambiance but didn't bother me.

  • jill and dave jaques

    jill and dave jaques


    Great location. Excellent bike/walk trails nearby. Close to railway station. A bit of truck traffic noise as it is in an industrial area plus only a block from SH1. Nice new dog park next door. Nice bakery/coffee shop next door too with delicious fresh bread & pastries.

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