Landmark Manor Motel i New Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandLandmark Manor Motel


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72, Leach Street, 4310, New Plymouth, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-769 9688
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Latitude: -39.05739, Longitude: 174.08258

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alison Drew


    Very noisy. (Inside fridge and air conditioning not to mention traffic noise outside). It certainly could have been a lot cleaner.

  • Lara Johnson

    Lara Johnson


    Enjoyed the space. Big room big bed and big bath. Close to town convenient to pak n save. Parking at the door. Loved the stay would come again and recommend to others.

  • Roderick Rodriguez

    Roderick Rodriguez


    The kids really enjoyed the place. The place is very clean.

  • Andrew Munro

    Andrew Munro


    Great hosts who go out of their way to make you welcome and support you.

  • Ingrid Heaps

    Ingrid Heaps


    We had a 4 night stay in the 2 bedroom unit. It was perfect for our needs being a family of 4. Very clean, tidy and spacious. TVs in bedrooms and in lounge was an added bonus. The hosts were more than accomodating and always friendly and welcoming. Excellent location and awesome being able to walk to most things. I would highly recommend this to motel to anyone. Absolutely fabulous!!

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