Metrolanes i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandMetrolanes



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Upper, 291 Queen Street, Auckland, 1010, Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 9-377 6737
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Latitude: -36.851418, Longitude: 174.763727

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alba Dowle


    The theme is a good choice and makes the place look really good. The spaceship lift is fun and so is the bowling.

  • Geoff Wilson

    Geoff Wilson


    For casual bowlers or mates looking for something different to do for an hour on a weekend night, it's a pretty fun place to go, but expect like $36/game/2 ppl! Pumping top 40 music videos at the end of the lanes (and vibrating bass in your seats) and vibrant lighting along the lanes. Very elegant and higher class for the bowling alleys I'm used to. I said for casual bowlers earlier bc for ones who want control of their score, resetting the lane if there's an error, marking penalties, etc ... There is none. No console to control it. Interesting though, there is a beep and a light if your toe goes over the line. Maybe like 8 lanes available plus mini bowls. Dedicated bar but expensive everything as you'd expect here. The animations on the scoreboard weren't boring either.

  • Thomas Carter

    Thomas Carter


    Me and bae went here for bowling and drinks before we had to do stuff later on. Food was good. Wine was better. She won at bowling. I won at pool.

  • en

    navie grosz


    Great day for everyone. Lanes are good ball return is fast. Just pray you don't get stuck next to the chatty teens. Jk.

  • Jay Raman

    Jay Raman


    Had an awesome time getting boozed and bowling. Don't waste your time with the pints, get a jug it works out cheaper. Lovely service as well. Place is well maintained. Will be back with the team again

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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