PINS i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandPINS



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199, Lincoln Road, 0610, Auckland, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 9-837 1111
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Latitude: -36.860405, Longitude: 174.630093

kommentar 5

  • en

    Karen Bishop


    What an awesome centre such friendly staff. Steve was great to catch up. Lanes are so nice to bowl on . Great fun great place 😎

  • en

    Shuren Sum


    The bowling alley has been redone with new oiled lanes and ball machines. The bowling deals are excellent with 4hr bowl till you drop being the best value for money. Due to the popularity, you can expect a good crowd of people giving it a lively atmosphere.

  • Natalie Makeef

    Natalie Makeef


    Recently celebrated my daughters 9th birthday last Friday. We got a birthday deal play one game and get kids meal. We also order a couple platters of the savouries- good for adults. Food was hot and yummy. We booked the birthday room which was worth it. We had great service from a great guy who really looked after us!!!! Thank you!!! Although our lanes kept getting the Pins stuck - but it was a great night. All the kids had fun especially getting lots of game tickets to get goodies. Thank you for looking after us.

  • Shreel Amrite

    Shreel Amrite


    The place is lively and you have a few options for food and drinks nearby, however the lanes are not as smooth as they ought to be. If you are looking for a professional/serious bowling experience, i would not recommend it, but if you are looking for a good time, its not too bad. Check online as they do have offers on certain days and time of the day to grab the best deal.

  • lester mismash

    lester mismash


    Staff is excellent; cheerful, laidback, and helpful. Shoes were brand new or nearly new! Very nice. Pool tables were great as well as arcade. Lane screen shows replays of your form, how fast you bowled, and lots more. Super fun. Good value. Highly recommend.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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