Ocean Motel i Paraparaumu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandOcean Motel



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44, Ocean Road, 5032, Paraparaumu, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-902 6424
internet side: www.oceanmotel.co.nz
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Latitude: -40.896524, Longitude: 174.982916

kommentar 5

  • Tania Bowman

    Tania Bowman


    Was clean and tidy but shower is literally next to the toilet separated by a shower curtain.

  • Paul Wright

    Paul Wright


    Good motel but is getting a bit dated a bit of TLC would go along way but overall a nice place

  • Godhelp Nyashanu

    Godhelp Nyashanu


    Facilities a bit run down. Back French door with no locking system with wooden plank used to jam the door shut. No stove. Quiet area though but not what I expected.

  • Angela Goose

    Angela Goose


    Really nice little unit with great spa bath. Good selection of toiletries provided. I especially liked the pretty patterned crockery. Such a nice change from the usual boring white plates. We would happily stay here again. Close to the beach and has children's play area as well.

  • Jane Johnston

    Jane Johnston


    We had a newer unit and were very impressed with it. Clean and well presented with a lovely spa bath, and quiet. The staff were very friendly and helpful. Great location-within easy walking distance of the beach, restaurants and cafes, and small shopping centre.

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