The Barking Lot i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Barking Lot



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187, Victoria Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 4493
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.2924272, Longitude: 174.7745982

kommentar 5

  • Tomáš Kříha

    Tomáš Kříha


    The Barking Lot clearly don't know what they're doing. We've sent our schnauzer three times asking each time for a schnauzer cut, and he returned each time with a different random messy cut that in no way resembles a schnauzer cut. It's not hard. If they don't know what a schnauzer cut should look like they could Google it! Each time we didn't get a refund discount or apology. We gave them a generous three strikes. Definitely not going back.

  • Leon Sullivan

    Leon Sullivan


    Great team. Great service.

  • Cory Barton

    Cory Barton


    The Barking Lot team are a friendly bunch who run a great service for my doggo to explore and play with friends.

  • Jonathan Petrie

    Jonathan Petrie


    Awesome place. We take our dog in here every week and he loves it! Would highly recommend to everyone!

  • KereAna Buchanan

    KereAna Buchanan


    These guys are great with my dog! Love the repawt card and Snap stories so I know what he gets up to during the day.

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