Wellington International Airport i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWellington International Airport


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Stewart Duff Drive, 6022, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-385 5100
internet side: www.wellingtonairport.co.nz
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Latitude: -41.3275941, Longitude: 174.8075984

kommentar 5

  • YAN Zoe

    YAN Zoe


    Was ok, but can be better. When the check in system replaced everything, it can be a bit challenging to find a real person who actually willing and happy to help you.

  • Mike Wu

    Mike Wu


    Poor service. Often no one in the info desk and you have to pick up the phone to call them, you may wait a long time and when it finally gets through, unfriendly and impatient staff want to end your talk ASAP. I know my English is not that bad and in my college, most classmates can understand. But staff here, they pretend they can't hear you and it seems they are not well trained, the info they provide about this airport is wrong. For example, there is a Snapper bus card sold here. They tell me a shop named "RELAY" offer it but actually the staff in "RELAY" don't even know what is Snapper. I spend 20 minutes asking, shop by shop, and get that. A waste of time. Food is awful, you don't have many choices as there are only 5 bars, all of them is fairly small, selling sandwiches and burgers, fastfood. Don't expect too much before you set foot here. Though this is the second largest airport in NZ, the experience is really terrible in all aspects.

  • Rob Bannister

    Rob Bannister


    Wellington international airport is easy to navigate, no problems finding the rental car agents after getting out of the secure part of the terminal. SIM card booths were also easy to find and helpful for my stay in New Zealand. Security took a little longer than expected because I hit the wrong button on the automated system. The security kiosks could use an imporved user experience, as it did not let me go back to pick what I meant to press. The staff were very helpful and friendly. The bag checks were speedy and didn't take long either.

  • Kev P

    Kev P


    Nice looking airport. Well laid out. Easy to navigate. I was hoping to find Gollum but didn't see him. :(

  • en

    Adam Smith


    I've always had a pleasing experience at Wellington Airport. A great layout from check-in to gate makes it really easy to get around. The small size of the airport also makes it really quick to get around. Security lines are never often too long and large windows overlooking the runway make it a great place to sit back, relax and enjoy watching planes.

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