Willis Street Physiotherapy i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandWillis Street Physiotherapy



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57, Willis Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 8313
internet side: www.willisstreetphysiotherapy.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.2877615, Longitude: 174.775667

kommentar 5

  • Emma Vukman

    Emma Vukman


    First time at Physio ever, and boy, was it a nice experience! Jenna was such a sweetheart, super professional and made you feel very comfortable and relaxed at the same time! Looking forward to my next session.

  • Tristan Katz

    Tristan Katz


    I had a bad experience here a few years ago, where after first telling me that my posture was bad and giving me tips to correct it, at a subsequent visit the physio suggested that it might just be that I was stressed or imagining the pain, despite obvious clicks and grinding sounds that aren't normal. It was also disconcerting that the advice given changed at each appointment.

  • Stuart MacKinnon

    Stuart MacKinnon


    Maarama is truely awesome! Works in with my trainer. Expert and comprehensive help and advice.

  • Toby Spendiff

    Toby Spendiff


    Great service, very knowledgeable staff. Went in with a torn calf. Well on the mend now thanks to the exercise programme.

  • Maddie Hill

    Maddie Hill


    Great friendly service, was provided with a comprehensive treatment which enabled a quick recovery and return to sports. Highly recommend.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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