Four Kings i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandFour Kings



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11, Dixon Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 1910
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Latitude: -41.292415, Longitude: 174.77842

kommentar 5

  • Debra Ann Prime

    Debra Ann Prime


    So love the people that go there and the staff are very nice

  • Samuel Wooller

    Samuel Wooller


    Great place to have a feed and drink while watching sports, reasonably priced and really yum food as well would definitely recommend trying this place out!

  • Mark Blair

    Mark Blair


    Now called Jack Hackett's. Went for the Capital Blues Night. Need to get there early to get a table with a view of the stage. Staff helpful with the menu, I enjoyed the vegetarian burger.

  • Mott Scorrison

    Mott Scorrison


    One of the few civilized courtenay quarter bars. Great for the more mature crowd to watch sports games

  • Leah Hughes

    Leah Hughes


    Great place to watch sports! They tend to play a lot of football games that other bars don’t usually open for. They’ve got heaps of entertainment from Xbox, pool table, mini golf and corn hole! Drinks and service are always great here too.

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