The Flying Burrito Brothers Wellington i Wellington

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New ZealandThe Flying Burrito Brothers Wellington



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180, Cuba Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-385 8811
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Latitude: -41.2946354, Longitude: 174.7748452

kommentar 5

  • Sandy Antipas

    Sandy Antipas


    Always good to get meals you don't do often. Mexican food can be messy to make at home so heading out to get it is so much better. Walked in and headed downstairs where it was nice to get out of the cold Wellington wind. Its warm with low light so I'm thinking its perfect for a first date. Got a good rundown of the drinks for the evening and they have some good options for a Mexican style drinking session. Had the Fajita and the Burrito. Both were great. Had to leave early as we had dessert at home waiting. It was a hard thing to walk away from the banana chimichanga though. Did think about staying. Will have to come back instead.

  • Karen Millican

    Karen Millican


    Good Margarita. The beef nachos were good enough to eat all of them but the flavour was a bit strange to my pallet. Not the Mexican flavours I'm familiar with. Service was good and friendly.

  • suresh menon

    suresh menon


    The ambience is good though the food is inauthentic. Miserly with the nachos that come with the frijoles and no cheese any dish whatsoever. Seasoning was lacking though that could be subjective. The wait staff were helpful and service was good. Go for the atmosphere not the food.

  • James Winterburn

    James Winterburn



  • sara maccinley

    sara maccinley


    Absolutely loved this place! From the service to the delicious food I enjoyed my time here very much! Heard about this place from many friends and decided it was time to give it a go and I wish I tried it earlier. This place is now definitely my favourite and I can't wait to visit every week. I ordered quite a few items and each dish was unique and amazing. The service was also great! I usually don't write reviews but it was too good for me to keep it a secret! I highly recommend you add The Flying Burrito Brothers restaurants to your bucket list!

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