The Bangalore Polo Club Wellington i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Bangalore Polo Club Wellington


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63, Courtenay Place, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 6416
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Latitude: -41.2934449, Longitude: 174.7805569

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Morris

    Stephen Morris


    Went with a group of mates last night. Half the menu was unavailable, they seemed unprepared to make dinner at 7.30pm on a Saturday night. Ordered a lamb sausage pizza, the base was coated in flour which was so thick I had to pull clumps off of it to eat. Staff fairly unapologetic. The worst meal I've ever had. Very disappointing as the place came highly recommended by friends who live locally.

  • Kurt Whittington

    Kurt Whittington


    Love this place the theme and layout are amazing. The whole thing with the peanuts is quirky great place to chill on a Friday night and sink a few with friends

  • Robert McDougall

    Robert McDougall


    Overall very enjoyable visit. Service was great thanks to Karlos. Food was very nice. Tandoori chicken and fish were very nicely cooked, the others enjoyed their meals too. Wasn't our first visit, and I'm sure not or last. Was a nice dinner for the family.

  • anthony mallon

    anthony mallon


    It's been a while , yep I have missed the place. Thanks guys for stocking the Heineken 0% beer, some of us are driving home. Keep up the great work

  • Cass



    It's better than average but worse than great. It's good. I always have a good but not great time and good but not quite great food. No issues with the service and I think their theme is pretty cool and not played as a cheap gimmick.

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