Forage Kitchen + Bar i Wellington

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New ZealandForage Kitchen + Bar



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345, The Terrace, 6001, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-385 9829
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Latitude: -41.2936859, Longitude: 174.7696188

kommentar 1

  • J.G. Seabrook

    J.G. Seabrook


    Forage is a surprise in the Grand Mercure Hotel. Superb interior design instantly reassures the inexperienced hotel diner, with a sleek black bar to welcome you in. Be warned: the lighting is harsh, and probably intended for the internationals staying upstairs than any local looking for a romantic treat. Forage's food is on the expensive side with all mains priced above $32, and more likely hovering around $38. The food is worth it though, and the chef has devised a strong menu from Lower North Island ingredients including delicious fish and scallops, succulent pork belly, and mouth-watering lamb. The Caesar salad gets a special mention for being so artful. Alas, Forage is only let down by its non-food elements. The wine list is not overly complex, a little predictable by NZ region almost. Beers are all stock standard with a dash of hope in the form of Panhead. Service was a bit higgledy-piggledy, with drinks orders taking too long, and plates being cleared before the table had finished. If you find yourself at Forage, relax and enjoy the food. The highly strung among us will probably end up unnecessarily satisfied.

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