Seoul House Restaurant i Wellington

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New ZealandSeoul House Restaurant



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68, Dixon Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 3341
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Latitude: -41.291432, Longitude: 174.775833

kommentar 5

  • Chanmala HOMESANA

    Chanmala HOMESANA


    I went there with friends and ordered two sets of BBQ. One was BBQ for two people in that we chose three type of marinated meats out of 4 choices (chicken, squid, beef and spicy pork). Another set was pork belly BBQ. Meat came out raw so we had to cook ourselves. Both dishes served with some side dishes, vegetables, sauces and two bowls of rice. Both of the dishes have similar price around 48 to 50 NZD. However, the marinated meats looked not so fresh and seemed like they had been marinated for so long.

  • Nitesh Gautam

    Nitesh Gautam


    . (12/2017) A newly opened Korean restaurant in CBD. Well maintained and welcoming ambiance. Friendly staff and we enjoyed the fast service with well-timed intervals. Authentic Korean food and staff was helpful to place our order. There is good variety for vegetarians. I really wish that there was also a kimchi alternative for vegetarians. Most of meals are served sizzling. Enjoyed the visit.

  • en

    timothy jamieson


    Very good food. Staff very efficient but a bit distant. Recommended.

  • s s

    s s


    Great food, love their tofu pot, pancake is huge, and Gabi is awesome too. We also had the spicy chicken, they weren't kidding about it being spicy!

  • Maggie Mo

    Maggie Mo


    good korean food! must try their korean fried chicken which is good to share for 2 - 3 people.

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