Miyabi Restaurant & BYO i Wellington

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New ZealandMiyabi Restaurant & BYO



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148, Willis Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-801 9688
internet side: www.miyabisushi.co.nz
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Latitude: -41.2897699, Longitude: 174.7739975

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Webster

    Kevin Webster


    The staff and not very friendly the serving size is small and weather you get lamb, beef or pork it's all hard and the same taste

  • Richard Blake

    Richard Blake


    I had a great evening at Miyabi. The Honey Chicken was amazing and tasty. The green tea ice cream is also a lovely treat to finish of your meal. Staff are very friendly and welcoming. Thanks, we will back.

  • Phuong Nguyen

    Phuong Nguyen


    The most disappointing dinner ever. Ordered C7 pork belly and C54 whole fish. The pork belly was so greasy. It was like pork and vege soaking in oil. The fish was almost off, very smelly. The sauce had lots of ginger and spring onion, still couldn't help. I told the receptionist. He did not believe me. He said it shouldn't be, it was a frozen fish. Definitely not worth the money!

  • Daniel Friar

    Daniel Friar


    DO NOT go here for the Japanese food. This is not the Miyabi Restaurant that it used to be. The Chinese food might be great, didn't try it, but the Japanese food was terrible. This is my first ever review because of how passionately I despise the fact that what was once a treasure of Japanese food in Wellington is now a poorly maintained front for new ownership. Shame on them for riding on the coat-tails of what was once a great restaurant. Could have good Chinese food though, so feel free to give that a try. Harumph

  • Abby Booker

    Abby Booker


    You need to look a little bit for this place, but it's well worth the find. Maybe it's because it's not on the busy high street that it feels a little more special? The staff are excellent, the food is well presented and tasty and the prices are great. I had this dish with little fish flakes that move , can't remember what it's called but ask for the moving fish flakes!

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