Hey Ramen i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandHey Ramen



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88, Willis Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-947 3656
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Latitude: -41.2883134, Longitude: 174.7750565

kommentar 5

  • en

    Phillip Yan


    The is so far the best place where you can get authentic ramen in town

  • Suzie Lee

    Suzie Lee


    Excellent ramen We ordered the Tan Tan ramen and it was fantastic. The broth was rich and tasty and the noodles were perfectly cooked - firm and chewy!

  • Chishimba Simutowe

    Chishimba Simutowe


    We were craving Ramen and stumbled upon this little gem and decided to walk over and give it a try. One word "Yum!". Did not disappoint. Not only did our food look like art but the flavors were great. Would I suggest this place for a budget backpacker wanting to splurge a little without breaking the bank. Yes!

  • en

    Liyonah Harsh


    They're pretty good and they have a great rewards card but every time I buy something and ask for it without corn, they say they'll do it without corn and I always end up with corn.

  • Curdin Krummenacher

    Curdin Krummenacher


    This is a busy little Ramen joint near the entrance to the majestic centre. You can also get a range of other rice and noodle dishes. The Ramen is pretty good, perhaps a little oily but I'm quite partial to that. The place fills up fast so if you want to eat lunch there maybe aim for just before 12.

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